Giving Back

Recent Stories

November 22, 2023

Hermosillo Participates in Beach Cleanup

Our Hermosillo employees, along with their family members, came together to create a positive impact in their community by participating in a beach cleanup. Together, they successfully collected and disposed of a total of 1,150 kg of waste. In appreciation of their efforts, everyone involved was treated to seafood! [...]
November 10, 2023

Hopkinsville Raises Awareness for Breast Cancer

Our Hopkinsville location organized an event to support ‘Pink Ribbon Network of Hopkinsville’ to contribute to the local community’s fight against breast cancer during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Our dedicated team members passionately worked together throughout the entire month, hosting various activities and fundraisers to raise funds. [...]
November 10, 2023
Employee wearing pink to support breast cancer

Tuscaloosa Spreads Awareness for Breast Cancer

Martinrea Tuscaloosa showed support for Breast Cancer Awareness and Pregnancy and Infant Loss Month, by wearing pink and fundraising for cancer research. The Human Resources and Safety teams arranged this effort and sold shirts, socks and other items, with all proceeds going to this cause. [...]
October 3, 2023

Hopkinsville Team Supports Suicide Awareness

Our Hopkinsville location team members joined its community for a meaningful walk to support suicide prevention and raise awareness. Team members walked alongside fellow community members for a cause close to our hearts. The team also successfully raised funds to support the local initiative “Out of the Darkness,” dedicated to fighting against suicide. [...]
September 13, 2023

Mental Health Charity Fundraiser

Our interns at the Vaughan Corporate Office demonstrated their commitment to a meaningful cause by organizing a fundraiser in support of MindsMatter, our mental health employee resource group. Through their dedication and hard work, they managed to raise an impressive sum of $2200, all of which will be donated to a mental health charity! [...]

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Martinrea International Inc.
3210 Langstaff Road, Vaughan, Ontario, Canada, L4K 5B2 |